The Cutter's Hangout
Poetry Dealing With Self Mutilating
Poetry Dealing With Depression/Finding Hope
Poetry Dealing With Friendships/Losing Friends/Gaining Friends/etc.
Personal Stories
Song Lyrics
Inspirational/Emotional Pictures
About Me
Contact Me


I've gotten a lot of feedback, and I've decided to keep this site up. I wont be updating it, though... as I'm too busy to do so. But thanks everyone, for letting me know that you all thought about it. I hope this website will continue to help people.

Welcome to The Cutter's Hangout, a site that's dedicated to all the guys and gals who have self-mutiliated themselves or still do. Here you can find encouragment by reading the personal stories of others who have had or still are self mutilating, and how they are dealing with the urges or how they overcame it, find inspiration by reading poems about self-mutilating and depression, find understanding of what goes on in a self-mutilater head, find advice, find help, and discover other websites about self-mutilating.

I would more then happy to submit your poem(s) or personal story on this site, so if you have something you would like to submit, then contact me. Anything you send me is most likley to get submitted on this site, so don't hesitate to send me your stuff! I'll be sure to tell you if your stuff gets to this site. And be sure to check back often, as I will hopefully be adding more other personal stories and poems, and other helpful/cool/inspirational stuff.


The pages and thier contents in this website may be very triggering. Please make sure that you are feeling safe before you look at any of them.

What's New?

I added another personal story.
I've added another personal story and I have added some poems to every catergory. Be sure to check them out.
I have added a guestbook, so please be sure to sign it. It doesnt take very long, and I love to know who visited my site and what they thought of it. So, please do it? :-)
The website was published today. All pages are full/almost full of stuff. On the Personal Stories page you will find my story. I have yet to add another one, but check back often to see when I do, and to see when I update other stuff. Dont forget to sign my guestbook, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks, and enjoy.

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